Saturday, November 14, 2009

A Wonderful Demo Response!!! and the list of recipes.

To everyone who has attended the demo this afternoon, thank you for the great response. We also had a photographer, Muhammad Azfar, sponsored by Amru Zainal Abidin of AmruFM. A big thanks to Amru and Azfar. The photos of the event will be added at a later date.

Here are the lists of recipes done today:
  1. Easy Chocolate Cake (From Malaysian Cookbook) / Kek Coklat
  2. Lemonade (Basic demo recipe) / Jus Limau kuning
  3. Man tao dough (Basic demo recipe) / Adunan Man Tao
  4. 'Sambal tumis' donated by Pn Lies Sasmita
  5. Stir-fry mixed vegetables (variation of basic demo recipe) / Sayur campur masakan stir-fry
  6. Cooking brown rice (Basic recipe) / Memasak beras perang
  7. Pumpkin soup + steam man tao (2-in-1 Cooking) /  Sup labu + Man Tao
  8. Chicken soup with vegetables donated by Pn Lies Sasmita /  Sup ayam dengan sayur
  9. Mango sorbet (From Malaysian Cookbook) / Sorbet berperisa mango
  10. Peanut butter (From Malaysian Cookbook) / Mentega kacang
I will be putting up the 2 recipes donated by Pn Lies Sasmita soon. For members of True Mix, have fun trying them out.

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